Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Social media, negatif or positive?

 Social media is an online media that occupies social interaction. Social Media uses web-based technologies that turn communication into interactive dialogue. Several types of popular social media sites today include Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, to Youtube. The presence of social media itself invites pros and cons especially because it influnce for teenagers. This is because there are many negative impacts caused by social media for teenagers who are not yet mature in their emotions and in processing information.

In my opinion social media itself is something neutral depending on its use. Indeed, social media has many negative impacts, but on the other hand, social media also has many positive impacts. Social media can cause addiction, so they will spend time scrolling entertainment content that is good at the right time, but bad if excessive, causing addiction. Because social media is open to everyone, and people can receive and provide information, many parties are responsible for spreading hoaxes, and if they cannot absorb information, they will be consumed by hoaxes. Even so, social media can also be used to find information with a lot of information that can be obtained from social media. Such as lessons, general knowledge, tutorials, and the like. Social media can also be used to find temporary entertainment, and as mentioned earlier, entertainment content will be useful as long as it is used in the right time and portion.

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