Monday, August 26, 2019


Lake Toba (Indonesia :Danau Toba) is a large natural lake in SumatraIndonesia occupying the caldera of a supervolcano. The lake is located in the middle of the northern part of the island of Sumatra.Lake Toba is one of attractive tourist side in Indonesia.There are some reason that make it attractive for the tourist.

1.World Largest Volcanic Lake

Did you know that Lake Toba is the largest volcanic lake in the world? Yes, you read that right. The length of the lake is 100 kilometres with a 300-kilometre width. According to research under taken by the Michigan Technological University, Lake Toba was formed by an explosion that occurred around 73,000 to 75,000 years ago, which, ironically, also marked as the biggest eruption in the world that led to the extinction of 60 per cent of the human race. This reason alone is enough to anyone want to visit the place.
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2.Natural Beauty

For those who are looking for natural beauty, then Lake Toba is the answer. Why? The lake is a lovely expanse of water surrounded by beautiful hills. The lake also has an abundance of flora and fauna, overgrown with pine and palm trees with wild animals such as monkeys, orang utans, langur monkeys and tapirs.
Image result for natural beauty lake tobaImage result for natural beauty lake toba

3.Samosir Island
Did you know Lake Toba have an island in the middle of the lake. The island is called Samosir island.The island also offers myriad arts and cultures, and travellers will get the chance to see traditional Batak houses, as well as how to weave North Sumatra’s traditional fabric, called ulos.
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4.The Mysterious doll
Meet Sigale-gale, the traditional puppet native to Samosir Island. The dolls are made of wood and can be seen dancing during a Batak play. Not just that, Sigale-gale dolls also have religious significance and mysticism: they can be seen dancing during funerals, for example.
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5.Yummy Food
It’s gourmet heaven at Lake Toba because there are plenty of Medan delicacies offered in the area. We recommend sitohap porridge, a staple of the Silalahi community, which have lived on the shores of Lake Toba for centuries, and which ismade from ginger, candlenut and andaliman as well as sitohap leaves which grow in the forests surrounding the area. The porridge can be enjoyed with slices of chicken and crackers. For dessert, visitors should try lapet: traditional Batak cake that is usually moulded in pyramid shapes and wrapped in banana leaves. The cake is made from grated coconut and rice flour then steamed—a fitting dessert for afternoon tea to be enjoyed while gazing at the magical vista of Lake Toba.And don't forget about arsik.Delicious spicy fish usually using gold fish.And it's elements was torch ginger fruit,andaliman,shallots,garlic,ginger,fresh turmeric root and chili 
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